Jelly Roll Morton, Inventor Of Jazz, Online Book by Alan Lomax

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them. If I get the check and there's any real money-two or three hundred dollars—I will arrange for your trip to New Orleans, If you can find a cheaper room with some of vour church friends, I would take it. . . . Enclosed you will find $10.
Very truly yours,
Jan. 28th Dear Mabel,
Your letter was received. I was delayed in answering account of being sick. I am much better now. . . .
I received the check from Melrose. $52.00. I seen a lawyer. He advised me not to cash it, so I will institute suit against them. I was depending on that to send you home. Now I will have to wait a little longer. Thanks for the prayers. . . .
Feb. 22nd Dear Mabel
Your letter was received but due to illness I was un­able to answer until now. Up to now I have had two different doctors. My breath has been very short like when I had to go to the hospital and have been spit­ting blood and many other symptoms too numerous to mention, but I am some better this morning.
Go to Mrs. V---------?s church in Brooklyn across
from her house and appeal to the priest that you need your money. Tell the whole thing and ask him to help you get it for you and I think it will help. ... As soon as I am able I will send you the money to go home. Regards.